BALcanOSH network part of roadmap on carinogens!

Across Europe, organisations join forces to make a change that is unstoppable. On May 25th 2016, six key European organisations took the initiative to develop a voluntary action scheme to raise awareness about the risks arising from exposure to carcinogens in the workplace and exchange good practices. This action scheme is titled “Roadmap on carcinogens”. One […]

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Oбуки во Куманово за БЗР за собирачи на секундарен отпад

На 25.09 , 26.09 , 27.09 , 28.09 и на 02.10 се оддржаа 5 обуки во Куманово за БЗР за собирачи на секундарен отпад ( пластични флаши, метал, хартија итн.). На 02.10 се оддржа обука во Крива Паланка за БЗР. На обуките беа опфатени 118 собирачи на секундарен отпад од Куманово и Крива Паланка. Оваа […]

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KONFERENCA NDËRKOMBËTARE PËR BASHKËPUNIM RAJONAL OSH Accord Prishtinë, 01-03 nëntor, 2018 TEMA DHE QËLLIMI I KONFERENCËS Bota ku jetojmë dhe punojmë, pëson ndryshime në çdo aspekt me ritme dhe mënyra të pabesueshme pothuajse çdo ditë. Rregullat e jetesës dhe të punës marrin vlera të reja që shumë shpesh ndiqen dhe kuptohen nga njerëzit. Për shkak të kësaj, në […]

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ERASMUS + Project on work education for young people

ERASMUS + Project on work education for young people What the statistics say regarding fatal and non-fatal accidents of age groups-19-34?   Statistics show that 19- to 34-year-olds are more likely to have a serious accident at work than older adults. If They are exposed to poor working conditions it may lead to the development […]

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„Healthy Environment for Healthy Workеrs“

Despite the EU trends for mitigation of the climate change effects, reduction of the industrial pollution and providing healthier environment, the last decade for the Republic of Macedonia was marked with reaching records especially in air quality index (AQI) making the Capital and towns surrounded by industrial activities (Tetovo, Kumanovo, Bitola) number one, the most […]

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