Policy papers on OSH system reform in North Macedonia

 The national legislation for safety and health at work is of essential significance for protecting the health and safety of approximately 694,376 workers in the Republic of North Macedonia. Safeguarding individuals from health hazards and workplace safety risks is a pivotal element in achieving sustainable decent working conditions for all workers. This will lead to […]

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No matter what job you do, the basic principle is that every employee should work in safe and healthy work environment. The vision behind this premise
is that work must not lead to physical or mental illness and be a murderer at all, that is, to cause an accident at work.
This principle in practice is guaranteed by the implementation of Law on Safety and Health at
work. This is a Safe Work.

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No matter what job you do, the basic principle is that every employee should work in safe and healthy work environment. The vision behind this premise
is that work must not lead to physical or mental illness and be a murderer at all, that is, to cause an accident at work.
This principle in practice is guaranteed by the implementation of Law on Safety and Health at
work. This is a Safe Work.

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Регионално медиумско вмрежување за подобри работни услови

„Безбедност и здравје при работа, стандарди за истражувачко новинарство и известување, потреби и протокол за дејствување на медиумска мрежа на регионално ниво од областа на трудот“ беше темата на работилницата која минатата недела се одржа во Охрид, во организација на Македонското здружение за заштита при работа – Скопје. На работилницата учествуваа новинари и претставници на […]

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The civil sector brings to the surface the things where the state fails

“We should continuously affirm civil society to be a society for all, rather than a civil society that many perceive as separate circles that exist for themselves,” said Milan Petkovski, MA, President of the Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association, at a panel CIVIL discussion on “What is the role of civil society organizations in […]

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