Report on the Initial Meeting in Podgorica Held on September 22th

Report on the Initial Meeting in Podgorica
Held on September 22th

Our initial meeting was held in Podgorica, in hotel Terminus, on September 22th 2016. The meeting was organized on the basis of the activities of the project “Increasing capacities and strengthening the role of regional CSOs for improving labour conditions and labour dialogue with public institutions”.

The objective of the meeting was:

Identifying the needs, shortcomings and problems of the CSO’s and media organizations, in their involvement and policy-making in the society; building partnerships in the process of decision-making, encouraging the dialogue to enhance cooperation between the regional organizations and public institutions for social inclusion and improvement of the working conditions; establishing cooperation and creating regional partnership between the BALcanOSH network and the CSO’s in the IPA region; to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, skills and connections, as well as increasing and expanding their influence in campaigns and advocacy in the strategic operational plans and policies at national and regional levels; and raising public awareness of the importance of professional practices, social issues and civil organizations.

At the meeting attendance took following organizations:

Representatives from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Administration for Inspection Affairs, the two Trade Unions, Employers Organizations, doctors of occupational medicine, different NGO’s, OSH experts and media organizations, Milan Petkovski, the project manager and president of MOSHA.

It has been discussed about the current OSH situation in Montenegro, the challenges of the profession and how to recognize them; the lack of realistic information on how many employees actually get injured, how many suffer from occupational diseases, how many are exposed to dangerous/cancerogen matter; and how all these issues will affect the safety and health of employees. It was also discussed how media organizations can help and cause raising of public awareness in this field.

The representatives of employees and employers, from public institutions and OSH experts, all together discussed the issues of safety and health on work from their own point of view. By that, they concluded that cross sector meetings are very important, because the lead to exchange of knowledge and experiences.

This meeting showed clear picture of the future work, both in terms of project implementation as well as in the expansion of the OSH activities.

The participants filled out a Questionnaire which will help in the development of the project in the future.

Finally, the President of MOSHA Milan Petkovski and vicepresident of SWAM Branislav Sebek signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

Photos from the Initial Meeting can be seen below.

Posted in NEWS.

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